
September 1st

I visited the school of my host siblings Brantley and Leighla. I was really excited, it was the first time in a american school for me. Everything is so different from home but it is why I am here!

September 2nd

I visited my high school this time. It os really like in the movies (like HSM!!!!!!). I met my cross country coach and my consulor.
I choose my classes:
- Algebra II
- Beginning acting (1st semester) / Ceramics (2nd semester)
- Creative design I and II
- AP chemistry
- 12th English
- US history
I learned today that I was a senior and not a junior like I would be in France. During the evening I went to my very first football game with my host mom, another exchange student and her host mom. It was super fun, but my team lost...

September 3rd

My host family and I went to Snoqualmie Falls.

September 5th/Larbor Day

We went to the Washington State Fair but because of labor day it was very very very pacted. The kids did only one ride and we went back home. But at least I saw what a fair in the US looks like.
Tomorrow it is back to school.

September 6th/Back to school

School started only at 12:20 today so the freshmen can have the morning without all the upper classes. I had only 15 minutes in each period so i didn't really get so see and meet the people in my class but they are all really excited to have a French in their class.
I have first lunch!!!!
I went to my first cross country pactrice. The whole team is so nice with me. I am really looking forward to my first meet!.

September 8th

First ASSEMBLY!! it is incredible, I was really amazed by all the involvement that students and teachers put into a 40 minute show. The seniors had to dress in blue/teal so I wore a little blue dress.

September 9th

Second football game. We lost again...

September 17th

I went to my coorcinatrice's home to meet her and all the other exchange stidents in my group. I finally met Eylul! She gave me a book in Turkush, I hope I am going to see her again in a few weeks so i can giver her my book in French.

September 19th

I found my dress for homecoming! I just need to get it hemmed.

September 21st

I had my first race in Enumclaw roday. 4,700m, 23:24, 8th place. I am proud but a bit disapointed I was hoping to get a better time.

September 22nd

Today at practice I received the athlete of the week t-shirt so i guess my race from yesterday wasn't too bad at all.

September 25th

My phone isn't compatible with the sim cards here so I don't know what I am going to do. I don't want to buy me a new phone...

September 27th

Team diner. It was fun. We ate and played (obviously running games, we couldn't be runners if running didn't amuse us).

september 29th

I changed one of my class, algebra II -> Pre-calculus.